
Cockpit is a control psychosis on 6 monitors. The journey leads from the interior of the earth into cosmic orbit. Starting point is the nuclear waste storage Asse, a former salt mine. The documentary recordings of places and events (of storage, public mediation and protest) are interwoven with an auditory network of Sci-Fi material from the age of nuclear euphoria.
Deborah Uhde | 2014 | 12:11 min | HD | 16:9 | colour | stereo | ger/en

(S) Mitte Media Festival, Galerie Fata Morgana Berlin
(S) Berliner Liste
(S) Directors Lounge ZBar, Berlin
(S) Open Screening, Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen
(S) Jahresscreening der Medienwerkstatt Berlin
(S) Int. filmfest braunschweig


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